Clicky About me - Hero Baatar
About me

I am Baatar

Founder of Hero Entertainment

Hero Baatar is the Director and Executive Producer of The Mongol Khan’. He was born in 1979 in Uvurkhangai province. He is a professional animated cartoon illustrator. He started his career at the Mongolian National Radio and Television during the transition period from the socialist regime to the market economy and established the first commercial production studio, which pioneered in producing advertisements and promotional videos. 

In 2004, he established his private studio Hero, which has grown into one of the leading studios in Mongolia. Since its establishment, Hero Studio has created over 90 music videos of the top singers and artists of Mongolia, about 350 commercials, 15 full-length documentaries, 2 feature films, a series of documentary-artistic broadcasts, and almost 20 concerts, setting a new approach in the field of arts of the 21st-century Mongolia. 

In 2022, he restaged the Mongolian classic modern play “The Statehood with no Seal” in a new adaptation, which was performed continuously for 130 days in its very first run, reaching more than 70,000 viewers. Currently, this play is going to be staged at the famous London Coliseum under the name “The Mongol Khan”, adapted by British playwright Timberlake Wertenberker, winner of the Olivier Awards. This is director Hero Baatar’s first production to launch on stage in the West End.